aktuelle Berichte aus dem Schulalltag
So verschieden unsere Schüler und Schülerinnen sind, so facettenreich ist auch unser Schulleben. Dies kann man anhand der verschiedenen Berichte aus unserem Schulalltag nachvollziehen. Viel Spaß beim Stöbern und Lesen.
25.08.2024 AG Herzenpost unterwegs
Am 21. August besuchte die AG Herzenspost das Mehrgenerationen in Bitterfeld-Wolfen, um am Sommerfest für die ehrenamtlichen Helfer teilzunehmen, die unsere Post regelmäßig zu den Senioren nach Hause bringen. Oberbürgermeister A. Schenk bedankte sich für unser gesellschaftliches Engagement.
Die AG rezitierte ein Dankesgedicht, das die Bedeutung der ehrenamtlichen Arbeit hervorhob und viele Anwesende rührte. Anschließend verteilten die Mitglieder kleine Geschenke in Form von Tauben, die mit wichtigen gesellschaftlichen Werten wie Freundschaft und Respekt beschriftet waren.
Die Mitglieder der AG nutzten auch die Gelegenheit, um sich mit den Helfern zu unterhalten. Das Fest wurde durch ein gemeinsames Kaffeetrinken und Kuchenessen abgerundet, bei dem alle Anwesenden das Beisammensein genießen konnten. Die AG Herzenspost freut sich auf weitere gemeinsame Aktionen mit dem MGH Bitterfeld-Wolfen und besonders auf weitere Teilnehmer der Schülerschaft, damit wir wieder mit viel Weihnachtspost die Senioren der Umgebung erfreuen können.
L. Walther
19.08.2024 Prague - the best class trip!
Summer holidays were just over. After a six week break, everyone was going back to school...everyone except for us, the 12th graders. On the first day of school after the holidays we went on a school trip to Prague.
We met on Monday, August 5th at 9:30 at our school. I was excited and was looking forward to the trip with my friends. Before that, there was a small incident caused by our teachers. Our suitcases were sniffed by drug dogs before we were finally able to set off at around 10 a.m. The trip took about 4 hours in total and we travelled in a double-deck bus, as the whole year 12 was on it. We arrived at our hotel in Prague, the Olympik Hotel, at around 2 p.m. Our rooms were allocated, which turned out to be quite small. We spent the next few days mainly in the city. We had breakfast in the hotel every morning before we did various activities as a whole group. Once the tours were over, we had free time for the rest of the day. For me, the Charles Bridge was a highlight because it is very large and offers a beautiful view over the Moldau. It was pleasantly warm all week, which meant that the sun was always shining for a long time. We tried out several restaurants and cafes. The best was actually the Trdelnik (chimney cake) with ice cream and strawberries. I thought it was nice that we had so much time to ourselves and were able to explore most things ourselves. As a group we went to Prague Castle or to Theresian Town. The week was a wonderful experience and I personally enjoyed it a lot.We arrived at our school on Friday at around 2 p.m. All in all, I can say that Prague is well worth a visit and is a great city to see.
Leistungskurs Englisch (Josefine Rühl, 12/4)
Fotos Fotogalerie: Sanftenberg